RTO 3821

About National Food Institute

National Food Institute is a Registered Training Organisation providing quality workplace training and assessment in the Food Processing, Warehousing and Transport and Logistics Industries.

We provide workplace based training by working closely with employers and wider industry to ensure our students receive the best learning outcomes that are only possible when students are exposed to the real work environments under close guidance and supervision of the employers.

About National Food InstituteOur Vision

Improving productivity, building engagement and guaranteeing compliance!

Icon Arrow RightOur History

Commencing operations in 2007 National Food Institute was established to provide Quality Nationally Recognised Qualifications for the Food Industry. All of our trainers are University or TAE qualified and have been selected for their extensive industry experience and skills.

One of our key philosophies has been to provide practical work based training that enables the students to expand their knowledge and skills by studying subjects that are linked to their daily workplace activities.

Risk Management Strategy

Teaching students how to manage risk in their workplace by using the National Food Institute RMS (Risk Management Strategy) to Identify, Assess and Control Hazards in the workplace across the 5 Jeopardy areas of, worker safety, food safety, quality, environment and productivity has proved to be invaluable in creating awareness and reducing risk and hazards at all levels of business. 

Our Clients

Our clients have achieved measurable and significant improvements in Safety, Quality, Compliance and Productivity as their employees have become more aware of hazards in their business and how to manage them.  Training in Transport and Logistics was added to our scope in 2009 along with Driving Operations in 2017.


Our successes were rewarded in 2011 when we were Awarded with SPC Ardmona (Shepparton) the Industry Collaboration Award in the Australian Training Awards based on work that we had completed training for 2000 workplace based students over a 4 year period.

Finalist in the 2020 Victorian State Training Awards
Inclusive Training Provider of the Year 2020 – Finalist

School Based Traineeships

School Based Traineeships commenced in 2016 where workplace training in Warehousing Operations, Food Processing and Horticulture. This training is based on a solid partnership between schools, NFI and community minded enterprises which provide opportunities for School based students to earn and learn by hands on participation in working enterprises that are in many cases providing a valuable community service such as food bank activities.

Learn more about School Based Traineeships

Our Future

Make & Bake

We have a new initiative in 2018, working with Make 'N' Bake which has developed a hands on training environment where School based trainees can develop skills in Food Processing by attending a fully operational food processing/kitchen training centre where they will develop skills in all aspects of Food Processing, along with employability and life skills.

The operation will provide opportunities to earn valuable fund raising dollars for schools and communities through the sale of products made in the kitchen.

Icon Arrow RightBrokering Arrangements

An RTO may engage another organisation (that is not an RTO) in order to provide specific training and assessment to its learners on its behalf or An RTO may engage an individual or party to recruit students on behalf of the RTO.

3rd Party Arrangements